Blimey, what a week. It turned out to be ridiculously hard - both physically and emotionally, however never have I ever felt so much in harmony with myself. Preparations for lessons this week occupied every minute of my day (despite a few sleeping hours, duh). May I just mention the meticulous, painstaking way my friend & I did History and Culture of Germany. Goodness gracious I absolutely loved it, and the results paid off. Right now I have the urge to properly learn German.
Again, a cheeky recall to my previous post, I mention the University atmosphere, it may sound like an overdose of sugar and honey, yet the lovely people I'm surrounded with every single day make me feel warm on the inside. Still getting my head around how amazing mankind is - we're all so different, and nonetheless talented and capable of incredible things.
These words gently lead me on to the story of what happened today. I had a magnificent opportunity to be speaker (FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY ENTIRE LIIIFE, okay I'm done yelling) in our University's English Club. No idea how to express the amount of emotions I've had the fortune to experience, simply because I've never seen people listen to me with such eagerness and enjoyment. They laughed at my jokes, asked questions and thanked me at the end of my speech. Followed by the discussion of 'English over the decades' my lecture finished with the students telling me how fun everything was. Without the slightest bit of doubt I can say - today I'm happy.
This post is short. Short but sweet.
-Stacey x
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Listening to the World & looking for the Answers
Greetings to you, reader. It really has been a while.
Ever noticed that funny feeling of change as you grow older? Becoming a young adult you face a reflux of stability and a flux of responsibility and problems. Your day starts a lot earlier and finishes a whole lot later (or if you're totally bonkers you "don't have the time" to sleep properly). All that pressure, rush, and pursuit of happiness make us miss the basics of tranquillity and communication. What I'm trying to say is that having lived in Krasnodar for a year I seem to have absorbed in the atmosphere of the city completely and fully. Such a weird soothing feeling which I never experienced during my 1st year here. I noticed my interest in sounds around me outside - when a tram, rumbling heavily, crawls past, showing me a funny bunch of wan exhausted faces that remind me of miserable sparrows ruffling up their feathers and shivering on bare tree branches.. or when one of the leaves makes one last solemn waltz move and gently lands on wet pavement. I've done a great deal of reminiscing during the past 2 weeks - atmospheric music tracks, foggy mornings and small talks.. I suppose nothing can express how much I love Autumn.
A bloody lot of stuff has happened recently and I seem to have realised and experienced even more than I'd have expected to. The emotional landscapes of various surprises I face almost everyday.. some made me feel happy and downright over the moon, while others left me confused and uneasy. Some of them still bug me to be honest, but hey, if one doesn't have any problems, he/she needs to check the pulse. But enough moaning.
This autumn feels ridiculously pleasurable and cosy - wrapping myself up with a scarf, sipping green tea out of the mug way too big for Stacey (do I really need to list all the amazing autumnal things?). I've been feeling quite in tune with my inner self recently, yet I feel rather lonely at times. I have the urge to study and learn - this is probably the most important bit of my life right now - getting an education and looking for the answers. THE QUESTIONS! OH GOD, I HAVE WAAY TOO MANY AT THE MOMENT. But along with them I'm learning to master the art of patience. I'm still searching for myself I guess.
Another circumstance that's making me really happy is my University - I just love literally everything about it. Getting to know people is pretty much one of my favourite things to do.
This post is shaping up to be a rubbish load of words and controversial feelings, but goodness, I am simply not capable of putting my thoughts together to form an adequate realistic sentence. I may have used too many metaphors, but I guess this is just me? Stacey - the girl who's madly in love with the English language.
This autumn feels ridiculously pleasurable and cosy - wrapping myself up with a scarf, sipping green tea out of the mug way too big for Stacey (do I really need to list all the amazing autumnal things?). I've been feeling quite in tune with my inner self recently, yet I feel rather lonely at times. I have the urge to study and learn - this is probably the most important bit of my life right now - getting an education and looking for the answers. THE QUESTIONS! OH GOD, I HAVE WAAY TOO MANY AT THE MOMENT. But along with them I'm learning to master the art of patience. I'm still searching for myself I guess.
Another circumstance that's making me really happy is my University - I just love literally everything about it. Getting to know people is pretty much one of my favourite things to do.
This post is shaping up to be a rubbish load of words and controversial feelings, but goodness, I am simply not capable of putting my thoughts together to form an adequate realistic sentence. I may have used too many metaphors, but I guess this is just me? Stacey - the girl who's madly in love with the English language.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
All the emotions. (My first ever lesson)
Evening my reader, I hope all is well and you've had a good day. And I'd love to say a personal hello to A.Prima - my most devoted reader and one of the most amazing, kindest and loving people I have had the good fortune to meet.
This new year has been truly incredible so far - the amount of new teachers & subjects combined with the massive chunk of information made my head go slightly dizzy (in a good way!). I thoroughly enjoyed being back on my first day of year 2 - old familiar faces, jubilant and excited talks about the recent-but-gone-for-good holidays, casual questions of completely confused freshmen like "where is the bloody classroom?!". It'd be fair to say I've come to a confident realisation of my love to The University. The very place where I feel myself change, where I become more "me". So many emotions again, someone help me out haha. Education is genuinely a remarkable thing.
There's another reason why I'm typing away - my first very own lesson took place just yesterday. Gosh, I'm still not over the fact I was actually teaching a bunch of 25 year olds. How did this even happen?? (considering my height the situation probably looked even more hilarious)
But nonetheless I cannot express how immensely grateful and happy I am for this opportunity - after the lesson was over I realised what greatwork responsibility it is to be a Teacher. The number of little things (including psychological!) it requires, the ability to love and appreciate your students yet not to let them relax and pass the most of your Knowledge onto them. INTERACTION, for God's sake.
I can go on talking about this literally for ages, but tonight my time is unfortunately limited (duh) as I am TRANSLATING A MOTHERFRICKING GERMAN LECTURE. How bloody awesome is that?? Jeez, take me three years ago, back to the times when I was a spineless scholar learning mathematical formulae (which turned out to be of absolutely no use at all), dreaming to have English (and partly German!) lectures and being surrounded with soulmates who are passionate about it too. I've heard that if you strongly wish for something, The Universe tends to do everything possible for you to achieve you goal. Why, I'm starting to think there really is something about this statement.
To conclude I'd love to mention (guess what aha) the weather. Seriously buzzing for the chill, autumn is just hands down my favourite season of all - those dull, cold, grey, rainy days are eeverything. Oh and it's also going to be my birthday in under a week, but for some particular reason I'm not looking forward to the celebration haha, think I'm totally rubbish at organising any kind of parties. But who knows, guess I'll just see what happens.
-Stacey x
This new year has been truly incredible so far - the amount of new teachers & subjects combined with the massive chunk of information made my head go slightly dizzy (in a good way!). I thoroughly enjoyed being back on my first day of year 2 - old familiar faces, jubilant and excited talks about the recent-but-gone-for-good holidays, casual questions of completely confused freshmen like "where is the bloody classroom?!". It'd be fair to say I've come to a confident realisation of my love to The University. The very place where I feel myself change, where I become more "me". So many emotions again, someone help me out haha. Education is genuinely a remarkable thing.
There's another reason why I'm typing away - my first very own lesson took place just yesterday. Gosh, I'm still not over the fact I was actually teaching a bunch of 25 year olds. How did this even happen?? (considering my height the situation probably looked even more hilarious)
But nonetheless I cannot express how immensely grateful and happy I am for this opportunity - after the lesson was over I realised what great
I can go on talking about this literally for ages, but tonight my time is unfortunately limited (duh) as I am TRANSLATING A MOTHERFRICKING GERMAN LECTURE. How bloody awesome is that?? Jeez, take me three years ago, back to the times when I was a spineless scholar learning mathematical formulae (which turned out to be of absolutely no use at all), dreaming to have English (and partly German!) lectures and being surrounded with soulmates who are passionate about it too. I've heard that if you strongly wish for something, The Universe tends to do everything possible for you to achieve you goal. Why, I'm starting to think there really is something about this statement.
To conclude I'd love to mention (guess what aha) the weather. Seriously buzzing for the chill, autumn is just hands down my favourite season of all - those dull, cold, grey, rainy days are eeverything. Oh and it's also going to be my birthday in under a week, but for some particular reason I'm not looking forward to the celebration haha, think I'm totally rubbish at organising any kind of parties. But who knows, guess I'll just see what happens.
-Stacey x
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Where the clouds kiss tops of the mountains
Hey ho, reader!
A couple of days ago I've had an opportunity to go on a hike with my family. It was a great adventure and I'd love to highlight the main things we've seen & experienced so do expect lots of pictures and rambles. Here we go then!
Well, we set off on our long journey at 10am, with me being all merry & curly (the usual). Whilst listening to various songs we chattered away and laughed, again, I can't help but mention how much I love travelling with my family. It was really warm and sunny outside, but hella, Stacey has already shifted to her autumnal mood and was sat in the car wearing a hoodie. Go me!
In case you don't know, during the trip I was all about filming bits and bobs for the video I uploaded just a couple of hours ago (I'll put the YouTube link to it at the end of the post), here's a behind the scenes snippet of me trying to get a good shot of a local swan
This mountain range was our next stop - we rode the car till the very end of the road - in winter this place is a ski resort, but at the moment we only managed to enjoy the wild green forests everywhere and breathe the clean fresh morning air.
A couple of days ago I've had an opportunity to go on a hike with my family. It was a great adventure and I'd love to highlight the main things we've seen & experienced so do expect lots of pictures and rambles. Here we go then!
Well, we set off on our long journey at 10am, with me being all merry & curly (the usual). Whilst listening to various songs we chattered away and laughed, again, I can't help but mention how much I love travelling with my family. It was really warm and sunny outside, but hella, Stacey has already shifted to her autumnal mood and was sat in the car wearing a hoodie. Go me!
In case you don't know, during the trip I was all about filming bits and bobs for the video I uploaded just a couple of hours ago (I'll put the YouTube link to it at the end of the post), here's a behind the scenes snippet of me trying to get a good shot of a local swan
The main reason why we decided to go on this hike was to have an amazing photoshoot on top of a mountain, with me wearing a long lace dress. Honestly I loved that place so much I could not stop admiring the view of the valley down below. Though not going to lie, dad was bloody scared and didn't let me step close to the edge, thanks dad, about seven pictures have your frowned face in the corner (just joking, I totally understand his concern hehe). Here are some of the pictures we've taken up there.
Having watched the picturesque sceneries we then proceeded to look for a good place to put up a tent for the night. It took us quite a while to find one - we wanted it close by the river, yet far from the civilisation. After hours of searching we stopped near the river, near the reservation border - the last point where the humans are (as told by dad no human being ever stepped behind that border)
The evening turned out to be amazing - we made barbecue & roasted marshmallows on a bonfire, watched the fog fall on to a massive mountain right in front of our tent entrance and listened to the river roaring 30 meters away from us. SO lovely. Yet the night brought a tiny bit of a surprise - a freaking thunderstorm. Yeah. I wasn't scared at all, on the contrary - fascinated! If you know me well you'd know I live for 'bad' weather, and when I felt it chucking down our tent with rain - ooooooooh yasssss hehe
The next morning we set off to see that last bit of civilisation, that very place where it ends at the beginning of an ENORMOUS forest (with cheetahs and a wild bison) - the animal reservation.
This mountain range was our next stop - we rode the car till the very end of the road - in winter this place is a ski resort, but at the moment we only managed to enjoy the wild green forests everywhere and breathe the clean fresh morning air.
To conclude I can say that this summer I was totally convinced that I bloody love the mountains and hikes - that atmosphere and silence really make you reconsider your life priorities.
Hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures and watching the video
-Stacey x
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
A letter to September Stacey.
Hi me. I hope you did not forget about this post, because it contains a few useful tips you need to take into account when starting year two of university. No doubt, it shall be a very hard time - new teachers, subjects, absurd amounts of hometask (and ridiculous amounts of sleep) etc. Last year all of that drove you insane - at the start you couldn't plan anything properly because the deadlines packed up everything, and in order to try and escape such situations this year I (the August Stacey) want to give you a few tips on how not to stress out and be cool. Right now I'm totally relaxed and pondering, analysing every step I made during the first year. It was totally awesome but bloody hard and you know it changed you a lot. Fair to say you've become a whole new person! I don't want to you to look into year two with fear and uncertainty Stacey, please always keep the following tips in your head and remember - you can do everything.
Right. I shall try to write short and to the point.
Very cliche yet still important. Don't let wishes and personalities of others change and trample you down. Stace, I know genuinity, innocence, opennes and honesty are your basic traits of character, but try not to be too open. Not all people are genuine, not all of them appreciate you, there are always those who will try to bring you down and dislike you. Mind that. You could be the juiciest, sweetest peach in the world..but there will always be someone who doesn't like peaches. Another thing Stacey. You're beautiful and never doubt it. Everyone has insecurities so don't obsess too much over them. Remember Raya? Look through her instagram page when you feel horrible. Here's what she said - 'If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely'. Never forget who you are.
The start of new year requires a lot. Education is one of the most amazing things there are an you know it. Try to get into each subject and like it. This is insanely interesting to discover new stuff and open the door of world secrets a tiny bit more, isn't it? Be adventurous.
Now THIS IS IMPORTANT. Self care. Be mindful to yourself and go set your back in place. It'll improve your vision and give you confidence. Surely. Before doing something think first - is this good for you? will it affect your health? is it something you want to do? Mind the consequences. Oh, and of course, have balanced nutrition and don't eat too much chocolate. AND STAY HYDRATED! DRINK WATER FOR GOD'S SAKE!!
One of the main tips I'd say. Remember what you did last year? You were (sometimes!) scared of starting doing something because what if it's not the way you're supposed to do it??? What if I'm doing it wrong?? What if I'm stupid and shouldn't express my opinion at all?? What if?? This is shit. Honestly. Each and every one of us has his/her own way of expression and CAN DO EVERYTHING BY HERSELF. Never doubt it.
Please Stacey always have a book that you read and try to get through the whole list of books given to you in literature. Books become a part of your soul, develop and form your personality. As told by Stephen King - 'Books are a uniquely portable magic'. Be curious.
I've made this a separate tip because hell this is important. In all seriousness, university is going to torture you with hometask and you have to stay energised and awake. A good mid-day/night sleep is something you'll feel refreshed after and you know that. Don't play with it Stacey. SLEEP AT NIGHT.
Do your absolute best, always. You wanted to go and pass the exam to get the driving license, remember?? Go and do it when you have enough time. This will be revolutionary haha!
There will be fails and falls, but Stacey be sure to always get up and go forward. After all, you have people who love and support you, and you know such little failures don't decide who you are and what you can do. Humans are capable of amazing things, and you are a human. Be confident. Create.
Who doesn't like a good old pamper session on a cold chilly rainy evening? Put some good music on and enjoy. Don't forget yoga and exercises - you'll never regret a workout! Paint, play the piano and watch vlogs - do more of what makes you happy!
Even when you feel crawling into a ball and crying in the corner don't make it a world problem. Everything goes by and your worries will shortly seem little and even funny. Worrying doesn't make you look good and healthy and it won't help the situation either. Calm down, get a bloody grip and think what can be done. If nothing can't at the moment - go have a nap. Seriously. Be chilled.
There are people who love you and believe in you Anastasia. Never forget about them. Most likely they have a hard time too and support is the first thing they need. Be devoted and helpful.
-Stacey x
Right. I shall try to write short and to the point.
Very cliche yet still important. Don't let wishes and personalities of others change and trample you down. Stace, I know genuinity, innocence, opennes and honesty are your basic traits of character, but try not to be too open. Not all people are genuine, not all of them appreciate you, there are always those who will try to bring you down and dislike you. Mind that. You could be the juiciest, sweetest peach in the world..but there will always be someone who doesn't like peaches. Another thing Stacey. You're beautiful and never doubt it. Everyone has insecurities so don't obsess too much over them. Remember Raya? Look through her instagram page when you feel horrible. Here's what she said - 'If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely'. Never forget who you are.
The start of new year requires a lot. Education is one of the most amazing things there are an you know it. Try to get into each subject and like it. This is insanely interesting to discover new stuff and open the door of world secrets a tiny bit more, isn't it? Be adventurous.
Now THIS IS IMPORTANT. Self care. Be mindful to yourself and go set your back in place. It'll improve your vision and give you confidence. Surely. Before doing something think first - is this good for you? will it affect your health? is it something you want to do? Mind the consequences. Oh, and of course, have balanced nutrition and don't eat too much chocolate. AND STAY HYDRATED! DRINK WATER FOR GOD'S SAKE!!
One of the main tips I'd say. Remember what you did last year? You were (sometimes!) scared of starting doing something because what if it's not the way you're supposed to do it??? What if I'm doing it wrong?? What if I'm stupid and shouldn't express my opinion at all?? What if?? This is shit. Honestly. Each and every one of us has his/her own way of expression and CAN DO EVERYTHING BY HERSELF. Never doubt it.
Please Stacey always have a book that you read and try to get through the whole list of books given to you in literature. Books become a part of your soul, develop and form your personality. As told by Stephen King - 'Books are a uniquely portable magic'. Be curious.
I've made this a separate tip because hell this is important. In all seriousness, university is going to torture you with hometask and you have to stay energised and awake. A good mid-day/night sleep is something you'll feel refreshed after and you know that. Don't play with it Stacey. SLEEP AT NIGHT.
Do your absolute best, always. You wanted to go and pass the exam to get the driving license, remember?? Go and do it when you have enough time. This will be revolutionary haha!
There will be fails and falls, but Stacey be sure to always get up and go forward. After all, you have people who love and support you, and you know such little failures don't decide who you are and what you can do. Humans are capable of amazing things, and you are a human. Be confident. Create.
Who doesn't like a good old pamper session on a cold chilly rainy evening? Put some good music on and enjoy. Don't forget yoga and exercises - you'll never regret a workout! Paint, play the piano and watch vlogs - do more of what makes you happy!
Even when you feel crawling into a ball and crying in the corner don't make it a world problem. Everything goes by and your worries will shortly seem little and even funny. Worrying doesn't make you look good and healthy and it won't help the situation either. Calm down, get a bloody grip and think what can be done. If nothing can't at the moment - go have a nap. Seriously. Be chilled.
There are people who love you and believe in you Anastasia. Never forget about them. Most likely they have a hard time too and support is the first thing they need. Be devoted and helpful.
-Stacey x
Sunday, 10 July 2016
"I've tried so hard and got so far.."
I seriously haven't got the slightest clue what to start this post with. It is the end of my first university year and jeez, so much stuff has happened recently. Really, I should probably throw away all those long introductions and actually write to the point.
Strangely enough the time after the exams turned out to be the most difficult - the practice. I swear during this absolutely mental period I made up and typed 29 pages of tests in English, and even though it was quite enjoyable I could still feel a particular kind of fatigue when you sleep for barely more than 3 bloody hours. Again, I'd love to thank Mrs Prima - I genuinely cannot pick a word to describe how much she did for the whole group and me. You are an amazing human being and a great teacher, I shall be eternally grateful to you for how you encouraged me and helped to go through the hard times.
Then there's the dwelling change. Oh. My. God. I am currently sat in my brand new apartment writing away whilst the trams go past and the warm streetlights of Stavropol'skaya St shine into my window. This flat is the most comfortable and cosy place in the whole entire universe and I'm so very happy we got it. This is the place just for me and I can do whatever the hell I want to. LOVE IT. I'm still trying to make it look 'homey. Stacey style yo' - those little rugs, jars and fairy lights are the things that matter most. Having moved in I realised a couple of things about myself. A) I am a motherfricking perfectionist and can't stand a mess. No way if I see dust or a dirty plate in the sink. B) I rather enjoy being alone, unless it's the night and all kinds of scary monsters come out to feast on my limbs (thanks to my duvet I wake up in the morning safe and sound) and C) I absolutely adore to have guests around my house. Seriously, that one thing is the epitome of me. Perhaps if you're still reading this you are truly a devoted reader, so I invite you to be my guest!
The apartment is on the 4th flour, the windows facing the street where my beloved university is located. There's a balcony with a huge opened window where I can drink tea and write poems (gosh this is so disgustingly cliche, no, I shall not do that haha). I've got a a spacious (finally) room - a great place to do somersaults and yoga!
Basically - I'm a veeery tired but happy Stacey. Yeah.
But moving on to moments not so pleasing I'd like to mention the nostalgia I'm surely going to have about this year. The old apartment and my flatmate - our inside jokes and stupid videos, the mysterious things we found in the farthest corners of flat 41. I am defo going to miss it.
My adventures with Nestea, there's literally quite a handful of memories - we never went anywhere without each other - the ethnofitness, library of coffee, our incredible trip to Sochi..
Surely I am going to miss a person with whom I feel a strong connection and closeness - he's a very unusual human being but in most situations I feel him on a spiritual level and we have lots in common. Perhaps he has lots of friends, soulmates, with whom the connection is just as strong as it was with me, but I don't really care. The words he said to me I've never heard from anyone else.You know that feeling, when you wanna get on with someone so you start pretending you like the things he/she does? Well, I never did this with him. It's so frustrating and even slightly painful to realise he's off to St Petersburg forever. Bloody hell you don't meet such folks every day. Feels like something is tearing off an enormous part of my soul, ew that's horrible. Pretty sure he's going to do well in life. Hi if you're reading this, by the way) don't forget about the letter I gave you hehe.
Well, I thought this post was going to come out longer, but I'm glad it turned out this size - less moaning about how nostalgic I shall feel in the next months. A half of me is beyond happy and is grateful for EVERYTHING that happened, the other part, however, is grumpy and hates three things - ends, separations and goodbyes. Just recently I discovered - the older I get, the less stability I can feel - life is so ridiculously changeable and unstable. People come and go and hell knows if you're ever going to see each other again, places change, thoughts vary.. plus being left handed and veery emotional it's sometimes difficult for me to cope with it. I shall work on myself and try to become peaceful. A peaceful warrior haha. Nice one.
-Stacey x
Strangely enough the time after the exams turned out to be the most difficult - the practice. I swear during this absolutely mental period I made up and typed 29 pages of tests in English, and even though it was quite enjoyable I could still feel a particular kind of fatigue when you sleep for barely more than 3 bloody hours. Again, I'd love to thank Mrs Prima - I genuinely cannot pick a word to describe how much she did for the whole group and me. You are an amazing human being and a great teacher, I shall be eternally grateful to you for how you encouraged me and helped to go through the hard times.
Then there's the dwelling change. Oh. My. God. I am currently sat in my brand new apartment writing away whilst the trams go past and the warm streetlights of Stavropol'skaya St shine into my window. This flat is the most comfortable and cosy place in the whole entire universe and I'm so very happy we got it. This is the place just for me and I can do whatever the hell I want to. LOVE IT. I'm still trying to make it look 'homey. Stacey style yo' - those little rugs, jars and fairy lights are the things that matter most. Having moved in I realised a couple of things about myself. A) I am a motherfricking perfectionist and can't stand a mess. No way if I see dust or a dirty plate in the sink. B) I rather enjoy being alone, unless it's the night and all kinds of scary monsters come out to feast on my limbs (thanks to my duvet I wake up in the morning safe and sound) and C) I absolutely adore to have guests around my house. Seriously, that one thing is the epitome of me. Perhaps if you're still reading this you are truly a devoted reader, so I invite you to be my guest!
The apartment is on the 4th flour, the windows facing the street where my beloved university is located. There's a balcony with a huge opened window where I can drink tea and write poems (gosh this is so disgustingly cliche, no, I shall not do that haha). I've got a a spacious (finally) room - a great place to do somersaults and yoga!
Basically - I'm a veeery tired but happy Stacey. Yeah.
But moving on to moments not so pleasing I'd like to mention the nostalgia I'm surely going to have about this year. The old apartment and my flatmate - our inside jokes and stupid videos, the mysterious things we found in the farthest corners of flat 41. I am defo going to miss it.
My adventures with Nestea, there's literally quite a handful of memories - we never went anywhere without each other - the ethnofitness, library of coffee, our incredible trip to Sochi..
Surely I am going to miss a person with whom I feel a strong connection and closeness - he's a very unusual human being but in most situations I feel him on a spiritual level and we have lots in common. Perhaps he has lots of friends, soulmates, with whom the connection is just as strong as it was with me, but I don't really care. The words he said to me I've never heard from anyone else.You know that feeling, when you wanna get on with someone so you start pretending you like the things he/she does? Well, I never did this with him. It's so frustrating and even slightly painful to realise he's off to St Petersburg forever. Bloody hell you don't meet such folks every day. Feels like something is tearing off an enormous part of my soul, ew that's horrible. Pretty sure he's going to do well in life. Hi if you're reading this, by the way) don't forget about the letter I gave you hehe.
Well, I thought this post was going to come out longer, but I'm glad it turned out this size - less moaning about how nostalgic I shall feel in the next months. A half of me is beyond happy and is grateful for EVERYTHING that happened, the other part, however, is grumpy and hates three things - ends, separations and goodbyes. Just recently I discovered - the older I get, the less stability I can feel - life is so ridiculously changeable and unstable. People come and go and hell knows if you're ever going to see each other again, places change, thoughts vary.. plus being left handed and veery emotional it's sometimes difficult for me to cope with it. I shall work on myself and try to become peaceful. A peaceful warrior haha. Nice one.
-Stacey x
Sunday, 19 June 2016
A Summery Day Away
Why, about a week ago this post was supposed to be a bit of a downer, but having just got back from a seaside holiday I surely left all the sad thoughts behind. This year turned out to be a helluva stressful one - the start of university and life on your own comes with not only heaps of new acquaintances, emotions and impressions, but also with a truck of duties and responsibilities. Really, I think it's been a good one. I've got only two exams left, where I'll have to ACTUALLY pass only one - English, and it's going to be quite fun, I'm pretty sure, I'm even looking forward to it (or is that too weird? haha I don't know).
But going back to the sweet topic called holiday I would like to share a couple of shots with you taken by my mom. Frankly speaking, it used to be an annual thing - going to the seaside mit meine Familie, but since the whole OH-MY-GOD-THE-EXAMS-ARE-COMING thing this annual trip sank somewhere about 3-4 years ago. Hence I thoroughly enjoyed being around my dearest & nearest. From now on I shall be looking forward to going to the seaside with my beloved groupmates...Oh no hang on, I have to pass the exams first. BRING IT ON MWAHAHA!
-Stacey x
But going back to the sweet topic called holiday I would like to share a couple of shots with you taken by my mom. Frankly speaking, it used to be an annual thing - going to the seaside mit meine Familie, but since the whole OH-MY-GOD-THE-EXAMS-ARE-COMING thing this annual trip sank somewhere about 3-4 years ago. Hence I thoroughly enjoyed being around my dearest & nearest. From now on I shall be looking forward to going to the seaside with my beloved groupmates...Oh no hang on, I have to pass the exams first. BRING IT ON MWAHAHA!
-Stacey x
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Clubbing & Rambling
G'day to you, my reader. I was going to say I haven't posted anything in ages, but then it occurred to me I start the swingeing (what an amazing word oh my gosh) majority of my posts with this very sentence. So I'm just going to begin with a brief description of how I came across the "new post" button on my blog today. Having had a good old afternoon read and subsequently a short nap I decided to make myself a cappuccino. Right. If you are a mindful reader or a friend of mine you'd know I don't like coffee, but I thought I could just have another try and understand it. I'm such an adventurer I can't even haha. Even though the smell of it was absolutely gorgeous, half way through I realised I'm still not into coffee and put it away. The bitter aftertaste aroused the writing inspiration and here I am. Tadaaah!
But in all seriousness, this week has been an emotional roller coaster. You see, I went clubbing for the first time in my life, moreover, I went clubbing with my beloved groupmates. It was quite a fun night and I have to say I (rubbish-) danced my heart away, but dear God, only a few know what I had to go through before it haha! I visited a well-known shopping center literally four times in four days. FOUR! And I could not pick a decent outfit for the party. Jeez! It seemed like EVERY clothing item looked hideous on me and by the end of day three I felt downright desperate. The party was supposed to take place the following day and I was sat in a dressing room feeling lost, pathetic, and fat. It's so funny remembering that unfortunate shopping, but at the time I legit had no idea what to do, so I asked my mom to come. She is literally my saviour - the blasted outfit was bought (almost straight away) 4 hours before the party and it did look great. I've had just one shot and felt like watching the others would be a better idea rather than drinking myself. Plus I've never been drunk in my life so there was a risk I'd get all wooshy and fooshy haha. I think it was a good debut - at least now I know what clubbing is! I definitely want to have more parties like this one - such a great time!
The next couple of days turned out to be quite productive and relaxing at the same time, I'd like to mark out the fabulous skype conversation with my lil German pal Anna-Maria - discussing food, arty things and education really does make my day. I'm so looking forward to meeting you one day honey!! You're the best!
So that's about it I guess, perhaps this post was slightly boring (for which I do apologise), but maybe I'll have a cool weekend I will want to make a blogpost about, who knows. Though I don't have any plans yet which is really sad :(
-Stacey x
Friday, 29 April 2016
A Random Update
Guten Abend liebe Freunde *cough* sorry, German has slightly driven me crazy today - so bloody much of it! Don't take me wrong, I do enjoy learning it, but having literally three hours of German in a row today (and then a lecture of philosophy!) made me feel just a tad tired.
The past week was quite stressful, not going to lie, but it made me realise that I need a rest. Yes. I am leaving the university. I have made my mind about a couple of days ago and oh well...
Just kidding! There is no bloody way I leave my beloved university! Nonetheless the other part of my facepalm joke is true and I really am in a desperate need of a rest.
Two of my friends and I are going to Sochi in under two weeks time. GOSH I AM SO EXCITED! We're going there for 3 days and willing to visit as many places as we possibly can. Our main destination is the Olympic Park of course and even though I've been there a few times before I cannot wait. The fact that the girls and I are going to wake up early in order to go for a bike/roller skating/skateboard ride is awesome. Can't wait to show them the best spots! Though I still feel uneasy about our transportation in the city haha, thank goodness for GPS! We're hoping to take lots of pictures and breathe in the fresh sea air. The last time I went to the seaside was 4 years ago, and well, do I have to say how much I want to see the waves again? I don't think so. Oh God...always wanted to live by the sea..
But yeah, this trip is still a long time away and I need to concentrate on the things that are more down-to-earth. Sometimes the amount of hometask stresses me out massively for I AM a fidgety person, but lately I sort of absorbed in it, I could literally sit down at the table the whole day just writing. I know it's not right and everyone needs a rest but oh, what can I do? Nothing really. It sounds a bit sad but education takes away about 70% of my life.
In order not to finish this post on a sad, melancholic note I am going to say that I cannot stop admiring the natural Springy things around me - the ones that bloom I mean. Every single morning looking at the sky and apple-green trees around me makes up a huge part of my journey to the university. I hope I shall always be attentive to such things.
-Stacey x
The past week was quite stressful, not going to lie, but it made me realise that I need a rest. Yes. I am leaving the university. I have made my mind about a couple of days ago and oh well...
Just kidding! There is no bloody way I leave my beloved university! Nonetheless the other part of my facepalm joke is true and I really am in a desperate need of a rest.
Two of my friends and I are going to Sochi in under two weeks time. GOSH I AM SO EXCITED! We're going there for 3 days and willing to visit as many places as we possibly can. Our main destination is the Olympic Park of course and even though I've been there a few times before I cannot wait. The fact that the girls and I are going to wake up early in order to go for a bike/roller skating/skateboard ride is awesome. Can't wait to show them the best spots! Though I still feel uneasy about our transportation in the city haha, thank goodness for GPS! We're hoping to take lots of pictures and breathe in the fresh sea air. The last time I went to the seaside was 4 years ago, and well, do I have to say how much I want to see the waves again? I don't think so. Oh God...always wanted to live by the sea..
But yeah, this trip is still a long time away and I need to concentrate on the things that are more down-to-earth. Sometimes the amount of hometask stresses me out massively for I AM a fidgety person, but lately I sort of absorbed in it, I could literally sit down at the table the whole day just writing. I know it's not right and everyone needs a rest but oh, what can I do? Nothing really. It sounds a bit sad but education takes away about 70% of my life.
In order not to finish this post on a sad, melancholic note I am going to say that I cannot stop admiring the natural Springy things around me - the ones that bloom I mean. Every single morning looking at the sky and apple-green trees around me makes up a huge part of my journey to the university. I hope I shall always be attentive to such things.
-Stacey x
Saturday, 9 April 2016
Springy mood (a post dedicated to thoughts)
Seems like Stacey is being a blogging procrastinator again - my last post was published in February! Oops haha. Though I don't really know what this post is going to come out like, I just wanted to ramble about my life recently. But first I'd like to insert two photos, taken by my amazing friend Anastasia Trunova - she's a first-rate photographer and her sense of light is simply superb.

Gosh, this March was quite a month you know - I met lots of people, grew fond of many new songs (strangely enough the majority of which are Russian, this is very unusual of me), visited a certain number of cool, arty places that are now occupying a special place in my heart, I'VE BEEN TO A FRICKING ZEMFIRA CONCERT, and finally realised and learnt some things about myself. I can clearly feel myself grow with each day (just so you know I'm not talking about my height, no, I'm still 157 cm tall). I feel a whole lot more confident and stronger now than I did back in September 2015.
A couple of weeks ago, as I was on a bus to Belorechensk, my hometown, I realised how lucky I am to study and live in Krasnodar - a city so moving and fascinating. I don't have the slightest wish to compare that dull, tedious, sluggish atmosphere of Belorechensk to the constantly-on-the-move air of Krasnodar. My friends and I try to go downtown every weekend and explore interesting, peculiar places. The other week we discovered a lovely little cafe called "The Coffee Library" and honestly, the cosiness of the spot is out of this universe. I'd go there every evening to do my hometask, draw and have a cup of ginger tea with chocolate cookies. So inspirational! I hope this isn't my last discovery and there are plenty more places around to find.
The Zemfira concert. Goodness me, literally speechless about the whole thing - so ridiculously perfect! Pity I didn't write a separate post containing those fresh impressions and memories! I was never a fan of Zemfira, but as two of my closest friends constantly had her songs on replay, one day I found myself singing along. This concert was the first ever gig I visited and oh boy was it astonishing! Zemfira turned out to be very kind and talkative, she smiled about a thousand times throughout the concert. And there was one moment where she opened her hand to see a ladybug fly away from it, so touching! The sound and air in general were supreme, I couldn't stop filming everything. Besides Zemfira we were lucky enough to see the actual British band Everything Everything on stage as well. They are now my top 5 favourite bands on the planet, absolutely smashed it!
Regarding the personal growth I can say that becoming a bit less dependent on family is quite an achievement for me as I have always been very attached to home. Now I'm pretty much able to cook a proper dinner and do all household chores by myself. Yo, success. Haha I'm joking, in all seriousness though, now I feel a lot calmer about studying - I manage to do everything on time and still have some time for myself (touch wood), I have the time to get ready for university every morning and plan things beforehand. This is such a great feeling - to comprehend your own control over the situation. Of course there are going to be planning fails and messed up days, yet I still would like to keep the process of self-improvement and development up. And reading more books would be amazing too, I should take care of this as soon as possible. Just a note to myself.
To conclude I'd like to have a small, cliché weather talk. The weather has been MARVELLOUS recently, it genuinely feels like June! I just love it! Oh, it would be great to go roller skating..
-Stacey x
Saturday, 27 February 2016
A Magnificent Saturday (or Alexandra and Stacey going on an adventure around Krasnodar)
Yo my lovely readers! What an amazing day it has been really, I'm still not over everything that Alexandra and I got through this evening. I have a love/hate relationship with the fact that we see each other once in like 6 months and never manage to take any proper pictures, but every time these meetings turn out to be so bright and memorable. Just like today's one.
Okay then, starting from the very beginning - we properly met just a couple of hours ago at the tram station, both relaxed and tired of the weekly studying routine. One thing we always do is chat. Like seriously ramble a lot about things that make us emotional for some reason, So Alexandra and I got on a tram, and thankfully without the annoying "ohmygod where is the blasted tram" remarks (though I do apologise for being late!). Our journey to Krasnaya Street was filled with constant convos about latin, history and other university-related things. Little did we know how perfect tonight was going to be! As we got off we made our way to the lovely confectionery named Patrick & Mary, that I actually wanted to visit a long time ago. This place is hands down the cutest thing on Earth - we both went for a raspberry pie, gorgeous crunchy meringues and tea (we first had our doubts about these yummies since the dark thoughts about extra calories didn't want to leave us alone, but gosh! This is Patrick & Mary for God's sake! Pffft) and settled down on the second floor at a tiny round table near a huge window with the most comforting view. Heaps of people whizzed by, amongst which were roller-skaters, bikers, old sophisticated women and sheek stylish folks. One of them, a random guy with crazy curls actually stopped in the middle of the street and started waving at us, wearing the biggest grin on his face! This was beyond adorable. You know, I love how time flies when you're talking to someone special, and it so happened Alexandra and I were sat there for a reeeally long time (I seriously can't even say how long we talked for) that at one moment the lights went off and one of the waiters came up to us and said "sorry, it's 9 o'clock, we're closing". It didn't upset us at all, since our backs had gone slightly numb from sitting, and we simply had to have a stroll around (which as we were hoping would burn the previously mentioned calories we gained from the scrumptious pies), Hah, I only just remembered we forgot to grab a calling card! Such a pity oh..
But well, as we left the place our adventures were only to continue! Don't think I told you how much I love Krasnaya Street for the amount of fantastic stuff going on there, the people that express their personalities in the most various ways, arty performances. The atmosphere is insanely cool. So Alexandra and I walked past the night carousels at the Theatre Square, that sparkled so brightly and spinned so quickly they made our heads go a tad dizzy. BREATHTAKING. As we walked on discussing music and interactions with people I enjoyed every moment - crowds of people around chatting and making the most of this surprisingly warm Saturday evening. Then, already (as we thought!) on our way to a tram station to go home, we stumbled upon a couple of musicians who played Vivaldi's "Summer" on a cello and a violin, and decided to have a listen.
I suggested to go further to another stop so that we could spend a bit more time sauntering, but I changed my mind when realised I wouldn't be able to find that tram station (Perhaps Stacey overestimated herself and my topographical cretinism is still inside me) and there was a good prospect of getting lost, so we decided to go back. They say Casus Non Casuales, and I honestly believe in that, because the performance we saw literally topped everything - the fabulous electro dancing from a well-known Dancing School based in Krasnodar. Oh my goodness Alexandra and I were so overwhelmed and impressed we couldn't stop discussing it after it was over - such incredible pumped up chaps who were obviously so much into the whole "shake and twitch" thing! Absolutely stunning! They hands down cheered us up completely, and Alexandra's fatigue was gone till the very end of our meeting, it's like we suddenly got charged with energy and rhythm, ridiculous. If only I could dance...
As we were running out of time (the trams' curfew is 23.00 and it was already ten) we hurried to the station. Our mums started to get worried, promising to buy us new phone batteries and to come from another town in order to take us home, so we definitely knew that it's the time to get back haha, Thank goodness we live close to each other - we took the 6th tram and set off to Stavropolskaya Street. We could not stop chattering till the very moment of having to go apart, this is mental! I'd like to say a mahoosive thank you to Alexandra - this was the coolest day to finish off my regularly boring Saturday, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Wish we could do such meet ups more often, they're beyond exciting!
Stacey x
Saturday, 30 January 2016
A lovely day in the mountains (or Stacey is slightly going bananas)
Yoo hello hello! Time for another pointless post I guess. But before I start rambling away I'd like to happily say that my first university exams are over and I feel very much relieved (even though we were given a massive load of hometask *sigh*)
Well, mom, dad and I had been talking about a nice little trip for a while and finally we found the time to actually do it. The next problem was to decide where to go, and a beautiful sanatorium in the foothills of the Caucasus mountains attracted our attention. We didn't stay there or anything just so you know - only visiting. I wasn't exactly excited about the whole thing (what a fool I was) but when I saw the location with my own eyes I changed my mind - the place was incredibly nice and nonchalant.
Here's me looking slightly confused and definitely not too sure (or just sleepy)

But after I've had an amazing cup of tea with all sorts of herbs in it I noticed a subtle change in my mood - grumpy Stacey was gone!

We were definitely having a great time walking around and finding peculiar things

Whilst walking we found a tiny shop where they sold mead and honeycomb and we decided to try it out - honestly these two things are so yummy!!

BUT! One of the many things that made my day was the amount of DOGS I met - little balls of fluff and happiness! They made me wanna buy a dog :( Ladies and gentlemen I present to you - Stacey and the dogies!

I genuinely enjoyed every minute of today, wish we could do this more often!
Well, mom, dad and I had been talking about a nice little trip for a while and finally we found the time to actually do it. The next problem was to decide where to go, and a beautiful sanatorium in the foothills of the Caucasus mountains attracted our attention. We didn't stay there or anything just so you know - only visiting. I wasn't exactly excited about the whole thing (what a fool I was) but when I saw the location with my own eyes I changed my mind - the place was incredibly nice and nonchalant.
Here's me looking slightly confused and definitely not too sure (or just sleepy)
But after I've had an amazing cup of tea with all sorts of herbs in it I noticed a subtle change in my mood - grumpy Stacey was gone!
We were definitely having a great time walking around and finding peculiar things
Whilst walking we found a tiny shop where they sold mead and honeycomb and we decided to try it out - honestly these two things are so yummy!!
BUT! One of the many things that made my day was the amount of DOGS I met - little balls of fluff and happiness! They made me wanna buy a dog :( Ladies and gentlemen I present to you - Stacey and the dogies!
I genuinely enjoyed every minute of today, wish we could do this more often!
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