Guten Abend liebe Freunde *cough* sorry, German has slightly driven me crazy today - so bloody much of it! Don't take me wrong, I do enjoy learning it, but having literally three hours of German in a row today (and then a lecture of philosophy!) made me feel just a tad tired.
The past week was quite stressful, not going to lie, but it made me realise that I need a rest. Yes. I am leaving the university. I have made my mind about a couple of days ago and oh well...
Just kidding! There is no bloody way I leave my beloved university! Nonetheless the other part of my facepalm joke is true and I really am in a desperate need of a rest.
Two of my friends and I are going to Sochi in under two weeks time. GOSH I AM SO EXCITED! We're going there for 3 days and willing to visit as many places as we possibly can. Our main destination is the Olympic Park of course and even though I've been there a few times before I cannot wait. The fact that the girls and I are going to wake up early in order to go for a bike/roller skating/skateboard ride is awesome. Can't wait to show them the best spots! Though I still feel uneasy about our transportation in the city haha, thank goodness for GPS! We're hoping to take lots of pictures and breathe in the fresh sea air. The last time I went to the seaside was 4 years ago, and well, do I have to say how much I want to see the waves again? I don't think so. Oh God...always wanted to live by the sea..
But yeah, this trip is still a long time away and I need to concentrate on the things that are more down-to-earth. Sometimes the amount of hometask stresses me out massively for I AM a fidgety person, but lately I sort of absorbed in it, I could literally sit down at the table the whole day just writing. I know it's not right and everyone needs a rest but oh, what can I do? Nothing really. It sounds a bit sad but education takes away about 70% of my life.
In order not to finish this post on a sad, melancholic note I am going to say that I cannot stop admiring the natural Springy things around me - the ones that bloom I mean. Every single morning looking at the sky and apple-green trees around me makes up a huge part of my journey to the university. I hope I shall always be attentive to such things.
-Stacey x
Friday, 29 April 2016
Saturday, 9 April 2016
Springy mood (a post dedicated to thoughts)
Seems like Stacey is being a blogging procrastinator again - my last post was published in February! Oops haha. Though I don't really know what this post is going to come out like, I just wanted to ramble about my life recently. But first I'd like to insert two photos, taken by my amazing friend Anastasia Trunova - she's a first-rate photographer and her sense of light is simply superb.

Gosh, this March was quite a month you know - I met lots of people, grew fond of many new songs (strangely enough the majority of which are Russian, this is very unusual of me), visited a certain number of cool, arty places that are now occupying a special place in my heart, I'VE BEEN TO A FRICKING ZEMFIRA CONCERT, and finally realised and learnt some things about myself. I can clearly feel myself grow with each day (just so you know I'm not talking about my height, no, I'm still 157 cm tall). I feel a whole lot more confident and stronger now than I did back in September 2015.
A couple of weeks ago, as I was on a bus to Belorechensk, my hometown, I realised how lucky I am to study and live in Krasnodar - a city so moving and fascinating. I don't have the slightest wish to compare that dull, tedious, sluggish atmosphere of Belorechensk to the constantly-on-the-move air of Krasnodar. My friends and I try to go downtown every weekend and explore interesting, peculiar places. The other week we discovered a lovely little cafe called "The Coffee Library" and honestly, the cosiness of the spot is out of this universe. I'd go there every evening to do my hometask, draw and have a cup of ginger tea with chocolate cookies. So inspirational! I hope this isn't my last discovery and there are plenty more places around to find.
The Zemfira concert. Goodness me, literally speechless about the whole thing - so ridiculously perfect! Pity I didn't write a separate post containing those fresh impressions and memories! I was never a fan of Zemfira, but as two of my closest friends constantly had her songs on replay, one day I found myself singing along. This concert was the first ever gig I visited and oh boy was it astonishing! Zemfira turned out to be very kind and talkative, she smiled about a thousand times throughout the concert. And there was one moment where she opened her hand to see a ladybug fly away from it, so touching! The sound and air in general were supreme, I couldn't stop filming everything. Besides Zemfira we were lucky enough to see the actual British band Everything Everything on stage as well. They are now my top 5 favourite bands on the planet, absolutely smashed it!
Regarding the personal growth I can say that becoming a bit less dependent on family is quite an achievement for me as I have always been very attached to home. Now I'm pretty much able to cook a proper dinner and do all household chores by myself. Yo, success. Haha I'm joking, in all seriousness though, now I feel a lot calmer about studying - I manage to do everything on time and still have some time for myself (touch wood), I have the time to get ready for university every morning and plan things beforehand. This is such a great feeling - to comprehend your own control over the situation. Of course there are going to be planning fails and messed up days, yet I still would like to keep the process of self-improvement and development up. And reading more books would be amazing too, I should take care of this as soon as possible. Just a note to myself.
To conclude I'd like to have a small, cliché weather talk. The weather has been MARVELLOUS recently, it genuinely feels like June! I just love it! Oh, it would be great to go roller skating..
-Stacey x
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