Sunday 19 June 2016

A Summery Day Away

Why, about a week ago this post was supposed to be a bit of a downer, but having just got back from a seaside holiday I surely left all the sad thoughts behind. This year turned out to be a helluva stressful one - the start of university and life on your own comes with not only heaps of new acquaintances, emotions and impressions, but also with a truck of duties and responsibilities. Really, I think it's been a good one. I've got only two exams left, where I'll have to ACTUALLY pass only one - English, and it's going to be quite fun, I'm pretty sure, I'm even looking forward to it (or is that too weird? haha I don't know).
But going back to the sweet topic called holiday I would like to share a couple of shots with you taken by my mom. Frankly speaking, it used to be an annual thing - going to the seaside mit meine Familie, but since the whole OH-MY-GOD-THE-EXAMS-ARE-COMING thing this annual trip sank somewhere about 3-4 years ago. Hence I thoroughly enjoyed being around my dearest & nearest. From now on I shall be looking forward to going to the seaside with my beloved groupmates...Oh no hang on, I have to pass the exams first. BRING IT ON MWAHAHA!

-Stacey x

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